— October 2020 updates

Keep Scan
4 min readOct 31, 2020


Hey, Keep Community!

I want to share with you all the improvements to the Keep network explorer —, which we’ve made in October, and also to tell you a couple of interesting news.

KeepScan team grows

I started developing alone. In September, I slept a little for several weeks to do both the back-end and the front-end and the infrastructure work. In October, after I won Tier 1 in Playing for Keeps, I received many requests and offers of collaboration.

In the end, I decided to join forces with Maksim (@KeepCold#4787) and Eugene (@EA#0741) — they are .NET & JS devs and will help me with the backend.

KeepScan team

Meet our team: Alexey (emerido#6619), Evgenii (EA#0741) & Maksim (KeepCold#4787)

Also, I will always be glad if any member of the community uses the KeepScan API ( to develop their own applications or join our team with new ideas.

New features

I’ll tell you about the main KeepScan improvements that were made in October. In total, more than 10 major improvements were made, many small ones, and I also started a new project (see the next section).

So, regarding the improvements of

  • Very cool responsive design. Now you can conveniently explore Keep with your phone;
Responsive design
  • Changed Dashboard graphs. Now you can follow daily supply growth;
  • The Operation log has been improved — now you can see absolutely all transactions carried out within the operation — even liquidation. If the transaction was not completed due to an error, you will see this error (example: Also value and fee are displayed for each transaction in the log;
  • The “Keep” widget has been added to the Operation page, which displays information about Signers, Honest threshold, Collateralization, Bond;
  • New data has been added to the information about the Operation: calculation of “ETH spent” (how much Ethereum was spent on the operation), “End of term”;
  • Another revision of the Operation page — displaying the addresses of the deposit and the recipient of Bitcoin;
  • Added new entity Initiator and initiator list — Now you can view detailed information about the initiator of the Operation and all of its operations;
Initiators list
Initiator page
  • Filters feature in the list of Deposits and Redeems;

Overall, I try to do exactly what the community needs.

API documentation

Since the announcement of KeepScan, I have received many private messages — participants are developing their applications using the KeepScan API. So I decided to create Swagger to make it easier for you to develop your applications:

New project — Chrome extension

I know that many of you want to constantly monitor Keep Network, but do not want to perform unnecessary actions, for example, open the explorer. For you I’ve developed the Extension for the Google Chrome browser.

This extension displays all the basic information about the Keep network.

It also has a killer feature — you can open tBTC DApp on the Redeem page ( and automatically get TDT ID.

I plan to develop this project because it is part of the KeepScan ecosystem.

The extension code is open-source:

The extension is now pending consideration for addition to the Chrome Store, but you can already use it: just install in your browser Extensions in developer mode.


I am glad that:

  • KeepScan is very popular in the community;
  • new people have joined me;
  • together we have made almost one and a half hundred commits this month;

My plans:

  • add as much information as possible to KeepScan so that you don’t have to use other explorers or switch to Etherscan.

As always, you can look at the source code on the github:

KeepScan team

Alexey Shvorak

Maksim Fedorov

Evgenii Antonov

